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I'm looking to use my visit data with software that's not listed with Zapier.

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over a month ago

If you would like to use your visit data with a software application that doesn't integrate with Zapier, then our raw Webhooks integration might be the solution for you.

What's a Webhook?

A webhook is a mechanism by which one server can notify another server of activities that have occurred. They are sometimes referred to as a "Reverse API" since the server that is looking to act upon an event that happens with another server doesn't need to constantly ask if there's updated data. Instead, a "notification" is sent (via an HTTP POST in our case) to a URL that can process the notification (a JSON document of visit data in our case), and the server can then process the data and perform whatever actions are necessary with that data.
Along with some code, webhooks allow you to use data that The Receptionist collects in almost any way you can imagine!

Getting Started

First, you will need a server capable of handling HTTP POST requests made available on the public Internet via a URL. This could be a server you deploy code to, or an API gateway (like IFTTT or hosted Azure service) that can run code for you. Once you have a way to receive notifications from our server, you will then want to visit the Webhooks section of our website, click on the "New Webhook" button, and provide the following information:

  1. Name: Using something descriptive to help you remember what server or process will run with this webhook in the future.

  2. URL: This should be the complete URL where the notification should be delivered (via HTTP POST).

  3. Token: This optional field allows you to ensure requests to your endpoint include a token in the HTTP Authorization header. Your endpoint should then validate that this token is being passed to verify the request. We will set the Authorization header to the string "Bearer [token]."

  4. Location: If your account has multiple locations, this dropdown menu allows you to limit the notifications to one location.

  5. Button: This dropdown allows you to limit the notifications sent to a specific button.

  6. Events: This lets you choose which events your webhook will be notified about.

Once this is saved, our software will send notifications to your URL whenever your selected events happen. Your software will then be responsible for handling the HTTP POST requests, parsing the JSON document, and accomplishing whatever task you would like to be performed. The possibilities of what you can do are truly endless!


For every webhook you create, you can see a list of all the notifications our system has sent to it. You can also see the full details of a given notification and even retry it. This makes it possible for you to track down issues that might be happening with your webhook.

Additional Security

To provide additional security to your endpoint, our webhooks are sent from one of the following IP addresses:



You can configure your firewall to only allow connections from those IP addresses to your endpoint to ensure that only our server can make requests to your endpoint.

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