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How do I add new administrators to my account? How do people log into the web portal or iPad? Who can make changes to my account?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over 3 months ago

Users are administrators of your Receptionist account! Users can log into your Receptionist app so visitors can log in, and they can also log into the web portal at There are different types of Users, and each different User role has different clearance and access to the web portal.

Looking to add employees that your visitors can check in to see? Take a look at Contacts instead!

Users and Roles

If you've created a new Receptionist account, you will be the very first User! Once you've created an account with us, you can invite others to join the account as administrators. You control their level of access by giving them different roles:

  • Account Owner: unlimited access to view, edit, delete, and add within every area of the Web Portal, including inviting new Users.

  • Location Owner (if applicable): access to view, edit, delete, and add within every area of the Web Portal of a specific location, including inviting new Users to that location. This User level is only relevant to accounts with multiple locations.

  • Receptionist: access is limited to viewing and editing Visit Log and Contacts.

  • Billing: access is limited to view and edit Billing.

  • Security: access is limited to viewing the Visit Log. If you want to create a general login for employees to log into the iPad, this is the User type for you.

Adding New Users

Navigate to the Users page on the web portal. Then, click "+Add User" at the top right of the page.

From this page, you can enter the User's information, including their name, email, and the role you want to assign. The page will preview their clearance, so you've got a reminder of what their role entails. Once you've entered that information, select "Send Invite" at the lower right corner.

Users you've invited will receive an email inviting them to create a password. Once they've done so, they can use their email and password to log into The Receptionist app and the web portal. There is no limit to the number of Users or additional cost included when adding Users to your account, and all users can log into the iOS app.

Want to add Users in bulk? Select the "Import CSV" button on the Users page. From there, you can download an example CSV that you can fill out for all the Users you're hoping to add. Then simply upload the CSV!

I Need to be Added as a User!

Here because you want to be added as a User to your company's already-existing account? Any existing User with the Account Owner clearance on your team can add you; if you're not sure who to contact on your team, feel free to chat with us by clicking on the chat icon in the lower right. We'll be happy to tell you which Users on your team you can contact.

Have questions or want to chat through options? Click on that orange chat button in the lower right corner to livechat with a member of The Receptionist team!

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