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Logo Dimensions

What is the maximum logo size I can upload?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over a month ago

When configuring your Home Screen for the first time, one customization option is uploading a logo. This can be a great way to make your branding visible to your clients.

Getting Started

We recommend logos in a 4x3 aspect ratio, though the app will attempt to accommodate others. For best results, use a logo that is a PNG file with a transparent background, is 2000 pixels wide by 1500 pixels tall, and less than 5 MB in size. As an example, here's the Receptionist logo used on the app, and you can save this image if you want a base to superimpose your logo atop:

Most image editing software will allow you to edit the dimensions of an image.

Check out the video below for more info on uploading a logo:

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