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Which Users can delete, incinerate, and recover entries from the Visit Log?
Account Owner - Can access Trash to manage all visits deleted at all locations on the account. Can Restore Log, Incinerate Log, set up Auto-Incinerate, incinerate single visits, and restore single visits. They can also set up Auto-Delete and Clear Log.
Location Owner - Can access Trash to manage all visits deleted for their location. Can Restore Log, Incinerate Log, set up Auto-Incinerate, incinerate single visits, and restore single visits. They can also set up Auto-Delete and Clear Log.
Receptionist - Can access Trash to view visits they deleted. From there, they can either Restore Log (restoring all visits they deleted) or restore a single visit. Cannot incinerate any visits or set up Auto-Incinerate. They cannot set up Auto-Delete or Clear Log.
Delete Visits
Delete Single Visit - To delete an individual visit, click on the three dots to the right of a record in the Visit Log and click "Delete."
Auto-Delete - When enabled, the Auto-Delete feature deletes any visit with a check-in date older than a specified number of days every night and places these records in the Deleted Visits section.
Clear Log - Removes records older than a specified date and places these records in the Deleted Visits section.
View Trash
The View Trash option will take you to your Deleted Visits, where you can search for and filter deleted visits the same way you would in the Visit Log.
To view the details of an individual deleted visit, click the three dots to the right of the record:
View Details will display when the visit was deleted from the Visit Log and if the visit was deleted by a User or by "system":
If a visit was deleted prior to March 2021 or if it was deleted via Auto-Delete, the View Details page will report it was deleted by "system":
Restore Visits
Restore Single Visit β To return an individual visit to the Visit Log, click on the three dots to the right of a record in Deleted Visits and click "Restore."
Restore Log β To restore all deleted visits to the Visit Log, click on the Actions menu at the top right corner of the Deleted Visits section and click "Restore."
Incinerate Visits
PLEASE NOTE: Incinerated visits can NOT be recovered.
Incinerate - To permanently destroy an individual visit, click on the three dots to the right of a record in Deleted Visits and click "Incinerate."
Incinerate Log - To permanently destroy deleted visits deleted before a specified date, click on the Actions menu and click "Incinerate Log."
Auto-Incinerate - To permanently destroy deleted visits older than a specified number of days automatically each night, click on the Actions menu and click "Auto-Incinerate."
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