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Email Deliverability

Why didn't my employee receive an email notification when someone checked in?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over 2 months ago

Your Employee Contacts can be notified of visitors here to see them in various ways, the most common of which is by email. There are a few reasons employees may not receive their email notifications; we encourage you to start by ensuring that those emails aren't going to spam or trash.

Checking Your Messaging Rules

Once you've checked that, ensure your Contact has an email message rule set up. Start on the Contacts page of the web portal, then click on the pencil icon next to the relevant Contact and scroll down to ensure an email Messaging Rule exists.

A gif of the Editing Contact Employee Contact screen of the Web Portal. The Button Assignment and Messaging Rules sections are both emphasized.

If you have an email message rule set up and emails are still being blocked or heading to spam, it's likely a firewall or filter preventing our emails from being delivered. Please ask your IT department to add our IP address ( and domain ([email protected]) to an allowlist to ensure our emails are deemed safe for prompt delivery.

Allowing Emails and Domains

The allowlist process varies depending on your email provider. We'll walk through our two most common providers, but your IT team should be able to add our domain and IP address to other providers as well.


To add our domain to the allowlist:

  1. Start by selecting the gear icon > "See all settings."

  2. Navigate to "Filters and Blocked Addresses" in the top menu.

  3. Select "Create a new filter."

  4. Add [email protected] in the "From" field.

  5. Click "Create filter."

  6. Check "Never send it to Spam" in the checkbox.

  7. Click "Create filter."

Administrators can also add our IP address:

  1. In the Admin console, go to Menu > Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail > Spam, Phishing and Malware.

  2. On the left, select the top-level organization. This is usually your domain.

  3. On the Spam, Phishing, and Malware tab, scroll to the Email allowlist setting. Or, in the search field, enter "email allowlist."

  4. Enter our IP address (

  5. At the bottom of the page, click Save.


To add our domain to the allowlist:

  1. Click the gear icon in Outlook and select "View all Outlook settings."

  2. Select "Mail" from the settings menu.

  3. Choose "Junk email" from the submenu.

  4. Click "Add" under "Safe senders and domains."

  5. Choose "Save."

Administrators can also add our IP address:

  1. Click on "Connection filter policy."

  2. Then click on "Edit connection filter policy."

  3. Add our IP address ( to the "Always allow messages from the following IP addresses or address range" input.

  4. Click on the "Save" button.

Please note that if a message from our domain to another email address bounces, our email provider will suppress all subsequent deliveries to that email address. If you know an email from us bounced, please let us know so we can be sure to remove the bounce suppression on our side.

Have questions or need assistance? Try clicking on the orange chat bubble in the lower right corner to livechat with a member of the team!

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