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Queue Visits

How can I ensure someone is on-premise while using Contactless?

Rain Hyneman avatar
Written by Rain Hyneman
Updated over a month ago

You may want visitors to be able to check in wherever they are; for example, employees who are working remotely and need to be able to check in from home or visitors who are joining a virtual conference. Other times, you might prefer it if visitors can fill out their information remotely but are still required to be at your location before check-in. Our Contactless feature supports both of these scenarios!

What Are Queued Visits?

Queued Visits are an optional feature when using Contactless Check-In. When visitors check in Contactlessly, Queued Visits controls whether they can complete check-in remotely on their own device or if they need to be physically at your iPad to be checked in.

When Queue Visits is turned off, visitors who use Contactless to check in on their device, such as their phone or laptop, will be immediately checked in when they answer your visitor fields, sign your agreements, or otherwise complete your check-in flow.

With this feature turned on, a visitor checking in contactlessly puts their visit into a queued state and receives a QR code on their device. Queued visits look like this on the visit log:

The Visit Log on the web portal. Two visitors have a "check in" button that can be selected.

Users can then check them in from the web portal, or visitors can complete their check-in by showing their QR code to the iPad.

An image of a QR code.

The Visit Log

Queued visits can be viewed on the visit log as a helpful way to check who's coming in. If a visitor doesn't have their QR code for whatever reason, such as forgetting their phone, an admin can also check the visitor in from this page by selecting the "check-in" badge.

Please note that queued visits will only remain in the log for three days; the visit will be removed unless your visitor checks in within that timeframe. Visitors can still check in using their QR code, even if the visit is no longer visible on the log.

Turning This Feature On and Off

If you'd prefer that visitors be fully checked in when they complete the steps on their device, you can turn the feature off on your buttons. To do so, navigate to the Buttons page of the web portal and select "Existing Buttons," then edit the button on which you want to toggle the feature. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to toggle Queue Visits on or off. Remember to save!

The Additional Options section of the Button Editing page.  Queue Visits is toggled on.

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