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December 2024 Office Hours Q+A
December 2024 Office Hours Q+A

Questions and Answers from the December 2024 Office Hours

Julia Mawdsley avatar
Written by Julia Mawdsley
Updated over 2 months ago

Thank you for attending our December 2024 Office Hours! We have compiled the questions and answers from the session below. If you have any remaining questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team using the orange chat bubble at the bottom right of this page.

Contactless Check-In + Secret Buttons

What is Contactless Check-In?

Contactless Check-In is a great way to expedite check-in for your visitors, prevent bottlenecking, and limit physical contact with the iPad! Contactless allows visitors to check in, sign agreements, and answer questions on a personal device like a phone or computer. Check out the linked article above to learn more!

Can a Contact receive a notification that a visitor has completed the Contactless Check-In process before their arrival?

When Queued Visits is turned on, Users can check the Visit Log to see if a visitor has completed Contactless Check-In before their arrival. If the Check-In was completed in the last 3 days, it will appear on the main page of the Visit Log. If it has been more than three days, the User will need to search for the visitors name.

I don't want the Contactless pop-up to appear on my iPad, but I want to use the Contactless QR code and/or link.

You can still use the Contactless QR code or link even if the feature is turned off. First, turn on Contactless Check-In, then save your QR Code/link, then turn off Contactless Check-In! Since the QR Code scanner will no longer appear on the iPad, you'll want to disable Queue Visits on your Buttons. Considering this, you'll only want to share the QR Code and link with visitors who are on-site.

What is a Secret Button, and how do I set it up?

Secret Buttons are Contactless Check-In, Notification, Employee or Message Buttons that only appear when the visitor or an internal employee is provided with the specific Button link. This Button link will work whether the Button is active or not. Here is how to set it up:

  1. Create or activate a Button.

  2. Turn on Contactless Check-In via the Home Screen page.

  3. Go to the Contactless Link available under the Contactless QR button at the top right of the Home Screen or Button Page:

  4. Once you're at the Contactless Website, right-click on the "Secret" Button and copy the link address.

  5. Paste the link address in a new browser page/tab and bookmark the page.

  6. Go back to your Buttons page and deactivate your button.

Your Button will no longer appear to visitors on the iPad or via the Contactless link, but the link address for this Button will still work! This is a great way for your employees to have their own Button for internal processes or to create additional buttons for specific-events.

If your visitors or employees are using the Secret Button while on-site, you'll want to disable Queue Visits for this Button. If you are sending the Secret Button to your visitors before they arrive at your facility, keep Queue Visits enabled.


I want all my visitors to receive some additional information during the check-in process. How can I share this information?

Any information that you need to share that is longer than a sentence, you can share in an Agreement! First, create a Text Agreement. Paste your text into the field, including a statement at the bottom of the Agreement that asks if visitors have read the information above. Then, choose the "Yes or No" option for Buttons to Display and click Save. Finally, assign to any buttons that you want this information to appear!

Broadcast Notifications

Can I use The Receptionist for iPad to quickly communicate with all my visitors or Contacts in the event of an emergency?

Broadcast Notifications enable your team to broadcast a message to different groups in your organization. These groups are:

  • Checked-in visitors

  • All Contacts (if you are not using an employee button)

  • Checked-in Contacts (if you are using an employee button)

  • Checked-out Contacts (if you are using an employee button)

Broadcast Notifications are sent to visitors and contacts on a per-location basis. Account Owners can broadcast a notification to any location belonging to their account, and Location Owners can broadcast a notification only to their own location. The message will be delivered via SMS from the same number that Contacts receive visitor notifications.

Message Buttons

I want to link The Receptionist for iPad with our payment portal/review website/patient portal, but there aren't any integrations that fit.

The easiest way to have visitors access an outside website/app within the check-in process is to create a new Message Button and upload a QR code as the Custom Icon. You can use a QR code maker to create the link to your app/URL. It will look like this:

Make sure to clearly label this button and provide additional instructions within the Header and Body text field, including that visitors need to scan the icon for this button to proceed. If you have any questions about this setup, please reach out to our Support team!

I want to be able to turn away some types of visitors. How can I do that?

The best way to turn away visitors using The Receptionist for iPad is to create a Message Button that is labeled specifically for those visitors, such as "Solicitors", "Walk-In Visitors", or "No Appointment". You can include a message that tells these visitors to give you a call, make an appointment online, or simply that you don't accept walk-ins.

Badge Printing

Can the badge printer only print badges for new visitors? I don't want to print a badge for returning visitors who already have one.

Badge settings are configured per button and will be printed for all visitors, Returning or new. You can create and clearly label a separate button for Returning Visitors where badges are turned off. If you intend to use this workflow, you should inform all your visitors to keep and protect their badges (they're paper badges, after all!).

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