Thank you for attending our September 2024 Office Hours! We have compiled all the questions you asked here. If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team using the orange chat bubble at the bottom right of this page or email [email protected].
Contactless Check-In and Pre-Check In
Is there a way to add visitors to the Visit Log manually?
Yes, you can add visitors to the Visit Log manually with Pre-Registration or Pre-Check In.
With Pre-Registration, you'll register the visitor's name and email in the Visit Log and have the option to email them some details before they arrive. When the visitor arrives at your facility, they will need to complete their check-in and fill out any additional Visitor Fields and Agreements on the iPad.
If you want to be able to complete all parts of a visitor's check-in yourself, you can do what we call "Pre-Check In". This uses the Contactless Check-In feature to mimic the visitor check-in process, allowing you to enter all visitor details for them. If you pre-check in visitors before they arrive at your facility, you'll want to have the Queue Visits feature turned on. To complete the check-in when they arrive, you can either send them their personal QR code to use at the iPad, or manually check them in from the Visit Log. Note: You'll need to use a private browsing window if you Pre-Check In more than one visitor. We also don't recommend using this feature if visitors need to sign or agree to Agreements.
Can we use Pre-registration and Pre-Check In/Contactless Check-In at the same time?
While you can technically have both settings turned on at the same time, we typically do not recommend using both Pre-Registration and Contactless Check-In at the same time because they both produce similar-looking but different QR codes.
If I Pre-Check In visitors or if they use Contactless Check-In before they arrive on-site, will the Evacuation List show them as being in the building?
The Evacuation List will only show visitors who are actively checked in. As long as you have Queue Visits turned on for all Contactless Buttons, queued visitors will not appear on the list.
Can we send a notification to a specific SMS number or email address every time a visitor checks in?
Yes! To do this, you can assign an additional Messaging Rule for that SMS number and/or email address to all existing Contacts. From the Contacts page, create a new Contact with that SMS number and/or email address. Then, edit each of your existing Contacts to add a new Messaging Rule. Assign the "Notify" dropdown to the new Contact that you would like to be notified. Here's a quick clip showing how to do this:
If you have many Contacts, please contact the Support team to help expedite this process for you.
Can I upload Contacts from Active Directory?
You bet! Read more about our Active Directory integration here.
When connecting to Active Directory, am I limited to importing the number of Contacts on our plan?
Yes, you can only import as many Contacts as your plan supports with Active Directory, API, or manual uploads. You can reduce the number of Contacts imported from Active Directly by only assigning the Contacts you need in The Receptionist for iPad to the Organizational Unit in Active Directory that you're syncing to your location. You'll find more details about how to do this in the PowerShell Template on the Active Directory page.
If you have an Executive Plan, you can import as many Contacts as you'd like. Please reach out to our Support team if you're interested in upgrading!
Can I add a distribution list as a Contact?
Absolutely! As long as your distribution list is associated with an email address that can receive emails, you can add the distribution list as a Contact. Make sure to name it clearly if visitors will be selecting this Contact upon check-in.
If you still want visitors to check in with an existing Contact but want the email notification to go to the list, assign the distribution list Contact as a Messaging Rule to that Contact following the steps in the clip above.
Check Out
We have multiple iPads in the same location. Can a person who checked in on one iPad check out on a different iPad?
Yes, if your iPads are all connected to the same location, visitors can check in and out on any iPad.
We are currently using a Webhook to notify employees when a visitor checks out. Will this become a native feature in the future?
Yes, our team is currently developing this feature! If you're interested in this feature, please use this link to vote on it in our Product Portal.
If someone checks in twice in one day, does the system automatically check one of them out?
No, the system cannot identify duplicate check-ins. If a visitor checks in twice, they will see their name listed twice on the Check Out button and can check themselves out twice. Otherwise, a User will have to check the duplicate out manually and delete it if it's not needed.
Hardware Compatibility
What are the iPad requirements for running The Receptionist for iPad?
The app will run on any iPad that is able to run the three latest iPadOS versions. Find more information about iPad compatibility on this page.
Can I add Multi-Factor Authentication to my User Logins?
User logins are limited to email and password, but we do have a Single-Sign On feature that you can purchase for and additional fee to increase your User security! If you're interested, please contact our Support team via live chat or at [email protected].